
Category: Uncategorized

September 13, 2022

For some time now I have been struggling with how to end this “COVID series” of blog posts. I have other topics I’d like to write about, but I kept waiting for some moment of closure, some demarcation point to end of this strange and uncomfortable chapter in our lives. Eventually I realized that this […]

December 17, 2021

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? Yeats, The Second Coming It’s been a fall full of surprises. The school year started with the Delta wave cresting, and indeed both kids had classmates test positive in August and September. But we were fortunate, and neither kid […]

Python for Astronomy Follow-Up

My post outlining the reasons why I think Python should be the language of choice in astronomy today got a lot more attention than I expected thanks to discussion on Hacker News and a link from Guido himself.  Psychological factors encourage particular attachment to one’s tool choices, but the discussion has been constructive. Some commenters […]